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報名方法 Registration method:

1. ​填妥網上報名表格。

Complete the online registration form.

2. 申請人將收到電郵或WhatsApp訊息,提示要於截止報名日期(2024年2月20日)之前繳交相關比賽費用。

Applicants will receive an email or WhatsApp message reminding them to pay the relevant competition fees before the registration deadline (February 6, 2024).

3. 請把繳費紀錄,電郵至info@hkmtpa.com或WhatsApp 到HKMTPA比賽專用WhatsApp 號碼:(852) 9695 9889

Please screen capture and email your payment record to or WhatsApp to the HKMTPA competition WhatsApp number: (852) 9695 9889

4. 完成以上步驟後, 我們將於5個工作天內,以電郵或WhatsApp訊息,發出比賽編號給予參賽者。請留比賽編號作為上載參賽作品時填寫資料之用。

After completing the above steps, we will send the contestant number to the contestant via email or WhatsApp message within 5 working days. Please keep the competition number for filling in the information when uploading your entries.

以微信、支付寶繳付 Pay via WeChat or Alipay HK



Scan the QR above to pay




​Whatsapp 到:+852 9695 9889

When paying, please fill in the contestant's name, class code and contact number in the remarks area. After paying, please take a screenshot to keep the payment record, and:

Email to or​

Whatsapp to: +852 9695 9889


以「轉數快」繳付 Pay with "FPS"

「轉數快」賬戶: 4563680

"FPS" ID: 4563680



​Whatsapp 到:+852 9695 9889

When paying, please fill in the contestant's name, class code and contact number in the remarks area. After paying, please take a screenshot to keep the payment record, and:

Email to or​

Whatsapp to: +852 9695 9889

以PayPal 繳付 Pay via PayPal

按下以上圖示以PayPal 繳交

Click the icon above to PayPal pay



​Whatsapp 到:+852 9695 9889

When paying, please fill in the contestant's name, class code and contact number in the remarks area. After paying, please take a screenshot to keep the payment record, and:

Email to or​

Whatsapp to: +852 9695 9889

​以PayMe 繳付 ​Pay with PayMe













​Whatsapp 到:+852 9695 9889

Scan the QR above or click the link below to pay:


When paying, please fill in the contestant's name, class cod and contact number in the remarks area. After paying, please take a screenshot to keep the payment record, and:

Email to or

Whatsapp to: +852 9695 9889


​銀行轉賬繳付 ​Bank transfer payment

HSBC 匯豐銀行

戶口名稱:My Music Academy Ltd.



Account name: My Music Academy Ltd.

Account number: 098-847015-838


注意事項 Things to note :


The official website of the competition is:


所有比賽消息會於網站及香港音樂才華演藝大賽Facebook專頁內公佈,參賽者需自行瀏覽 ,本會並不會個別通知。

All competition information will be announced on the website and the Hong Kong Musical Talent and Performing Arts Competition Facebook page. Contestants are required to browse by themselves and the Association will not notify them individually.


如參賽者於報名及繳交費5日後,仍未收到有關通知,請致電或WhatsApp 9695 9889查詢。

If the contestant has not received the relevant notification 5 days after registration and payment, please call or WhatsApp 9695 9889 for enquiries.


All fees once paid are non-refundable.  


For online competition, all trophies, medals, certificates and score sheets will be mailed to the address filled in by the contestants on the form within 2-3 months after the end of the competition.

報名時所需遞交之文件若不齊全,本賽會有權不接受其報名。(文件齊全的定義為: 報名表並填上所有資料)

If the documents required for registration are incomplete, the organiser reserves the right not to accept the registration. (Complete documentation is defined as: registration form with all information filled in)


For those who have completed the registration procedures, a fee of HK$100 will be charged for each change of information.


Participants are advised to contact the competition staff via email or WhatsApp.

WhatsApp查詢電話:9695 9889

WhatsApp enquiry: 9695 9889


Inquiry email:

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